[Gruppo traduzione] R: Re: R: documentazione server

Mattia Migliorini mattia.mglrn a gmail.com
Gio 6 Set 2012 13:03:44 UTC

Ciao a tutti, ho trovato un piccolo bug nella documentazione di Ubuntu
Server (Precise), stringa #510:

If enabled, this directive will configure all clients to redirect their
default network gateway through the VPN, causing all IP traffic such as web
browsing *and and* DNS lookups to go through the VPN (the OpenVPN server
machine or your central firewall may need to NAT the TUN/TAP interface to
the internet in order for this to work properly).

Dove devo segnalarlo?

*Mattia Migliorini*
*Web Designer freelance & Blogger
*Tel. 347-6738085**
*E-mail: mattia.mglrn a gmail.com*
*EasyWebCom: www.easywebcom.it*
*Googlab: www.googlab.it*
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