[Gruppo traduzione] Fwd: CALL FOR TESTING of 12.04.1 FULL language pack update (Deadline 9th of August)

Luca Chiodini luca a chiodini.org
Sab 4 Ago 2012 14:14:19 UTC

> Hi translators,
> Proposed language packs for the upcoming 12.04.1 point release are ready
> for testing.
> We've uploaded the language packs to the precise-proposed repository for
> you to test before they are released to all users. These should contain
> all your updates and fixes in translations done since the latest
> language pack update.
> I'd like to ask teams to test them and provide an indication that
> they've done so by following some simple steps and submitting a signoff,
> so that we know that translations have been successfully tested.
> Simply follow the instructions in this page and add your team's signoff
> in the appropriate table:
>     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA
> The desktop specific language packs will only be distributed for the
> desktops (e.g. GNOME and KDE) that have been tested.
> PLEASE NOTE. That since this is a full update, including documentation,
> you must also perform the documentation tests described at the end of
> the page.
> The deadline for the testing is the 9th of August (in one week's time).
> After that, we'll update the language packs we've received feedback for
> into precise-updates, so that all users can benefit from the new
> translations and fixes.

Ho provato e tutto funziona bene.
La guida di ubuntu ora è tradotta al 100%, grazie a tutti quelli
che hanno contribuito a rendere possibile questo traguardo.
Ho aggiunto la convalida dell'italiano nel wiki.


Luca Chiodini (luca <at> chiodini.org)
ITIS Paleocapa - Informatica
Ubuntu: a great OpSys for desktops and servers

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