[Gruppo traduzione] Fwd: bzr ready for translations
Valter Mura
valtermura a gmail.com
Ven 16 Set 2011 19:32:37 UTC
Mi sa che la prendo io, ok?
Il giorno 16/set/2011 17.32, "Milo Casagrande" <milo a ubuntu.com> ha scritto:
> FYI.
> Qualcuno che vuole occuparsene?
> È una traduzione tecnica e magari sarebbe il caso usarlo un po' bzr
> mentre si traduce...
> Volontari?
> Su Launchpad la trovate qui:
> https://translations.launchpad.net/bzr
> Ciao.
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 17:49, Jonathan Riddell <jriddell a ubuntu.com>
>> Bug 83941 Bzr doesn't speak my tongue has been closed. Bzr can now be
>> translated. If you want to help bring bzr to those who prefer to work
>> in non-English languages please help translate at Launchpad (you will
>> need to be in the appropriate Launchpad translations team).
>> The translation will involve quite a bit of specialist language (what
>> is French for "colocated branch"?) and I expect there are strings yet
>> that need to be added to the translation file. I also need to look at
>> translations for plugins.
> --
> Milo Casagrande <milo a ubuntu.com>
> --
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