[Tradutores-Ubuntu] Fwd: Coming language pack updates
Anton Meixome
meixome at certima.net
Tue Nov 4 13:03:37 UTC 2014
Con data de 7 de xullo, sobre un total de 409 ficheiros que contén a
tradución en Rosetta da LTS Trusty Tahr*, estes son os números xerais
type strings words (source)
words (translation)
translated: 100252 ( 57%) 533427 ( 48%) 622845
fuzzy: 3026 ( 1%) 9971 ( 0%) n/a
untranslated: 69855 ( 40%) 549614 ( 50%) n/a
Total: 173133 1093012 622845
Subirei a memoria de tradución en formato TMX a Trasno que contén
type strings words (source) words (translation)
Total: 100252 529197 618503
No proceso de facer a MT, cando se fai o ficheiro único .po
(pocompendium) vese onde hai incoherencias na tradución, con
traducións diferentes en distintos aplicativos. Se vos parece útil
mándoo á lista. O compendio que fixen obvia os caracteres aceleradores
e os atallos.
2014-11-04 13:40 GMT+01:00 Anton Meixome <meixome at certima.net>:
> Ao facer a memoria detecto os seguintes problemas (no comezo de cada
> liña vai o nome do programa e a liña)
> A ver se axuda
> e2fsprogs.po:2255: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> e2fsprogs.po:2255: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> e2fsprogs.po:2255: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> e2fsprogs.po:2255: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> e2fsprogs.po:2255: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> e2fsprogs.po:2255: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> e2fsprogs.po:2255: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> e2fsprogs.po:3175: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> e2fsprogs.po:3175: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> e2fsprogs.po:3175: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> bash.po:902: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> bash.po:902: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\a' escape sequence
> ===================
> Alsa-utils.po:703: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> alsa-utils.po:703: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> alsa-utils.po:719: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> alsa-utils.po:719: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> xscreensaver.po:3439: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> NetworkManager.po:3002: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> NetworkManager.po:3002: aviso: internationalized messages
> should not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> bash.po:1187: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> bash.po:1187: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> bash.po:1187: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> bash.po:1187: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> dia.po:2836: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> dia.po:2836: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> dia.po:2836: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> dia.po:2836: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> dia.po:2836: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> dia.po:2836: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> dia.po:2846: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> dia.po:2846: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> dia.po:2855: aviso: internationalized messages should
> not contain the '\r' escape sequence
> ====
> libc.po:137: aviso: internationalized messages should not contain the
> '\v' escape sequence
Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO
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