[Tradutores-Ubuntu] solicitude de tradución

Miguel Bouzada mbouzada at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 11:49:50 UTC 2012

atopado nas listas de Ubuntu

Dear ladies, gentlemen,
I'm a developer of the e-learning program 'OpenTeacher' and we, the other
developers and I, are about to finish developing version 3.0.
We're planning to release a beta today or very soon. We would like,
however, to have some translations before we release the final OpenTeacher
3.0, especially in Spanish.
I asked in #ubuntu-es-cafe on irc.freenode.net, and they gave me this mail
adress, so I ask you humbly, would you like to help us?
Would you like to translate OpenTeacher? The project's page on Launchpad is
Thank you very much!

You can contact us in #openteacher here on irc.freenode.net and me at
cas at openteacher.org, another developer at marten at openteacher.org and the
third one at milan at openteacher.org, by the way.

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