[Tradutores-Ubuntu] [G11n] Código de Conducta de Ubuntu (aplicábel a todo o software libre)

Miguel Bouzada mbouzada at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 16:05:15 GMT 2009

El 28 de octubre de 2009 16:57, Fran Dieguez <listas at mabishu.com> escribió:

> Hash: SHA1
> e tamén engadiría
> http://www.ubuntu.com/community/leadership-conduct
> Credit
> A good leader does not seek the limelight but aims to congratulate their
> team for the work they do. While leaders are frequently more visible
> than their team, leaders in Ubuntu use their visibility to highlight the
> great work of their team members and others.

Fran ti crees que el sabe leer o que dí aí? se soubera non faria o que fai.

> - --
> Fran Diéguez
> http://www.mabishu.com         -     listas at mabishu.com
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> =re0k
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> G11n at mancomun.org
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Calquera documento que non sexa conforme ós estándares internacionais ISO
(ODF -odt, odp, ods etc.-, PDF, ...) hanse enviar directamente ó lixo :/

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