[Tradutores-Ubuntu] [Fwd: When to open translations of Lucid]

Miguel Bouzada mbouzada at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 13:47:34 GMT 2009

2009/12/24 Fran Diéguez <listas at mabishu.com>

> Hi everyone,
> It is time for us to have a discussion about when we should open
> translations of Lucid on Launchpad, I know it is an old topic for
> every release, but it worth I think, :)
> David told me they proposed to open translations around Alpha3
> releases, then it will be about February 25th according to Lucid
> Release Schedule[1]. I want to here about your ideas about such a
> time, to see if we should change the time (earlier).
> The major concern about the time is our cooperation with upstream
> projects (e.g. GNOME), if we open too early, some teams who are not
> closely involved with upstream projects will have duplicate work
> perhaps, but if too late time will be very limit for translators to
> get their work done.
> David told me they propose Alpha3 on UDS because it is the time that
> GNOME has it's String Freeze comes at February 22nd[2]. I propose we
> can open it a bit earlier, two or three weeks earlier, that is around
> February 4th or 11th to open the translations. In these weeks strings
> on GNOME upstream won't change a lot, but translators will feel much
> more loose on time. With these time added to our translation calendar
> translators can do a lot of QA works during testers are using Lucid
> desktop, and don't let them rush in the final two months. If we open
> translation at Alpha3, we will have about 1 month to reach
> Documentation String Freeze, three weeks more for Non Language Pack
> Translation Deadline and another one week for Language Pack
> Translation Deadline, during the time we need to finish translating
> the Ubuntu specific strings, check all available translations in a
> good shape, then fix bugs, especially for teams without enough
> participates, things will be somehow messed up I guess.
> So, what about your ideas about to open translations on the end of
> February (Alpha3), or some time earlier (hopefully February 4th -
> 11th)?
> [1]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule
> [2]http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointTwentynine
> Regards,
> Aron Xu
> --
> ubuntu-translators mailing list
> ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators
> --
> Ubuntu-l10n-gl mailing list
> Ubuntu-l10n-gl at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-gl

Particularmente penso que o ídeal é que se abra canto antes, xa que a
"obsesión" pola compatibilidade co "cara a fonte"  [ :-) ] espècialmente a
de gnome é o que menos me preocupa, onde queda o lixo do mal ou non
traducido abondo é no resto dos aplicativos menos "volátiles". Xa que creo
que (agás o que pasa co equipo "es") todos son conscientes de que non compre
matarse polos aplicativos de gnome xa que todos saben como vai evoluindo (no
noso caso en somos os mesmos aínda menos, e sospeito que iso mesmo acontece
con moitos outros) e, en todo caso, deixar cousas como gnome para as últimas
datas (ise 22 de febreiro).

Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx,
.ppt, .pptx

Calquera documento que non sexa conforme ós estándares internacionais ISO
(ODF -odt, odp, ods etc.-, PDF, ...) hanse enviar directamente ó lixo :/

Podes atoparme en GTalk e máis en jabberes.org e na sala
galpon_minino at conf.jabberes.org

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