[Ubuntu-l10n-eng] Translation: layover (am.) = stopover (br.)

Lou Hevly soc at visca.com
Sat Aug 13 09:19:30 UTC 2011


I'm new to the list.  My name is Lou Hevly and I teach English in 
Catalonia.  I'm compiling a dictionary of English idioms translated 
into Catalan, and part of the process is running these expressions by 
British English speakers to see if they are Americanisms.  I was 
surprised to find that "layover" is unknown in England and came across 
your page at 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnglishTranslation/WordSubstitution while 
trying to google an equivalent.

All the best (Adéu-siau),
Lou Hevly
soc at visca.com

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