[Ubuntu-l10n-eng] Time

Ed Hargin ed at bluehome.net
Sat Sep 9 10:53:18 BST 2006

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William Grant wrote:
> Dan Bishop wrote:
>>> I have just been translating Totem and it asks about time. What are we
>>> to use as a separator? I believe the : is American, right? Typical
>>> British usage would be a . e.g. 12.34pm 
>>> However, what do we do for time elapsed? 9.23.1 doesn't look quite right
>>> to me for 9hours 23mins and 1second...
>>> I have also noticed... ever since I installed Ubuntu actually, that
>>> while its British localisation is very good (and a massive step up from
>>> windows which has none what-so-ever) it also leaves the time separator
>>> as a :
>>> So, what should we do?
> Leave it as a :, as that's the proper time seperator.
> William.
I too have always believed that the correct time separation is a colon.
 A reference can be found here:
You will need to scroll down to the time section, which sets out the
international time notation as such:

"Time of day

The international standard notation for the time of day is


where hh is the number of complete hours that have passed since midnight
(00-24), mm is the number of complete minutes that have passed since the
start of the hour (00-59), and ss is the number of complete seconds
since the start of the minute (00-60). If the hour value is 24, then the
minute and second values must be zero."

"An example time is


which represents the time one second before midnight.

As with the date notation, the separating colons can also be omitted as in


and the precision can be reduced by omitting the seconds or both the
seconds and minutes as in

23:59, 2359, or 23"
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