[Ubuntu-l10n-eng] Hello to en_GB team

Ed Hargin ed at bluehome.net
Tue Aug 29 16:14:32 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

I agree with Bruce, but want to be exceptionally pedantic about
something.  It would be the Union Flag we replaced it with, not the
Union Jack.  The Union Flag is only referred to as the Union Jack when
displayed on a ship.  *end of useless fact of the day*

After looking at the options, I do feel that wastebasket works as well
as anything, but if I'm honest, I am not convinced totally by any
suggestion.  I have been hesitant to say this as I have been devoid of
any alternative ideas, but after several days mulling it, I can't think
of anything better.


Bruce Cowan wrote:
> I have been approved as a member of the ubuntu-l10n-en-gb team today.  I
> have one comment about the logo of the team in question.  It is the
> English flag, but I live in Scotland.  It would be better to change it
> to the union jack, as it is the flag of the UK.
> For the record, I wouldn't use the words Trash or Wastebasket, but I
> would use Bin.  The best option in my opinion is to keep it being called
> the wastebasket.
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