[Ubuntu-l10n-eng] Wastebasket/Deleted Items

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Tue Aug 29 06:42:18 BST 2006

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> [snip]
> The GNOME and KDE teams have agreed on some conventions regarding the "Trash" 
> moniker:
> " Trash should be translated to Wastebin when referring to the desktop/file 
> manager. Other situations can use either 'Wastebin' or 'Deleted Items' as 
> seems most appropriate (KMail uses Deleted Items). Beware of Trash being used 
> as a verb which should be translated as 'Move to Wastebin'. "
> Their respective home pages are at:
>   http://live.gnome.org/BritishEnglish
>   http://kde.me.uk/index.php?page=kde-en-gb

You've quoted the KDE version; the GNOME page states "Wastebasket", not
"Wastebin".  Can we influence these upstreams in any way about our Deleted
Items thinking?  I can certainly ping Jonathan Riddell and see what he thinks.

_ __/|  William Anderson      |  Tim: Your cheese game is strong.
\`O_o'  neuro at well dot com | Zane: My cheese game. It's all about the
=(_ _)= http://neuro.me.uk/   |       cheese platter.
   U  - Thhbt! GPG 0xFA5F1100 | -- Tim Westwood, Zane Lowe, R1, Dec 2005

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