[Ubuntu-l10n-eng] Expanding the scope of the en-GB translation

Sridhar Dhanapalan sridhar at dhanapalan.com
Mon Aug 21 16:09:59 BST 2006

On Tuesday 22 August 2006 00:45, "Toby Smithe" <toby.smithe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Once again, I don't think that "Xubuntu doesn't feature a deleted items at
> the moment" really works. It should be, as lsproc suggested (and I agree),
> "Xubuntu doesn't really feature a rubbish bin at the moment."

It should be a proper noun: "Deleted Items". The capitalisation should go some 
way towards showing that we are referring to a single specific physical 

Your sentence could probably be reworded as, "Xubuntu doesn't feature a 
Deleted Items list at the moment."

Replace "list" in the sentence above with whatever descriptor sounds best. 
Words like "space", "area" or even "bin" come to mind.

You do raise an interesting point, though. "Deleted Items" does sound odd when 
used as a singular noun. I don't see a problem with a word like "list" being 
appended to it if appropriate.

Sridhar Dhanapalan
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"I just favour the whole concept of open source as being a way that companies 
can be not entrapped by proprietary software. And one thing we do find is 
that anytime you're using something that's proprietary, you do wind up being 
pretty trapped, as much as they can trap you." - Steve Wozniak, 2005-12-01
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