[am-translate] Amharic keyboard drivers issue in linux

tegegne tefera tefera.tegegne at gmail.com
Mon May 5 01:24:05 BST 2008

Thanks Daniel for the info. And I hope to god those at the standardization
agency in addis would take their job more seriously. All your hard effort
would at last get to it's conclusion. All the work that is being done is
living in no mans land because of the incompetency of this people it makes
me mad.

By the way how about the xorg part. Is there some one working to make those
7 IMs part of xorg. I am sure the people at OLPC would not mind to take all
the languages at the same time instead of revisiting it again latter. I am
guessing you mainly work on the GTK part. But is it possible for you to
initiate the xorg part too so that others can continue from where you start,
that is if no one else has initiated.

While I am at it you might have noticed at am.wikipedia.org we are using a
modified translit script to enable typing in Amharic on wikimedia. I have
also came across a hindic effort to enable the translit effort on google.
The Russian translit site also is here http://translit.us/
I am sure by now you are guessing where I am going with all this. As you
know i am not a computer guy. It seems to me others have done most of the
job and for us to make standardized IMs in Ethiopian languages accessible to
all we only need to link your job with jobs that are already done. I know it
would be a lot of work for you to take on but can you provide a sort of
guide line so that others with less expertise can grab and implement them. I
have a feeling there are many young Ethiopian computer professionals who
might need only a bit of mentoring to continue where you started on the free
and ope source front.

I have a lot of questions but I don't want to burden you with them. But I
just want to say that your effort usually goes unnoticed and I don't think
you care that much either, but you made every thing possible. Thank you.

**On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 7:55 AM, Daniel Yacob <locales at geez.org> wrote:

> Tegegne,
> On the GTK front I'm expecting to submit the updated IM drivers by the end
> of May.
> They are completely reworked to support long term maintenance and
> derivation by
> third parties. Going beyond Amharic, 7 IMs for various languages of
> Ethiopia
> are provided and will be more compatible with European keyboard hardware
> as well.
> People are welcome to test the Amharic keyboard at this time, it is more
> regular
> and error free than previous.  For example, while typing Amharic you can
> not also
> accidently type Tigrinya, Agew or other non-Amharic letters of Unicode.
> thanks,
> -Daniel

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