Amharic computer glossary

tegegne tefera tefera.tegegne at
Mon Apr 7 04:38:06 BST 2008

After agonizing for many years the authorities in Ethiopia came out
with some what complete computer terms glossary. In my view it still
lacks in many ways. It can be clearly observed that there is lack of
coordination between the linguists and the information technology
professionals. And it resulted in a less than optimal Amharic terms.
But I belive it can be perfected on the process of translating and
translators should not hesitate to experiment and make suggestions.
There is still a great deal of fragmentation of translations and lack
of coordination.

Here is an exel file at the authorities web site for all three
languages. Grab it while you can.

I have imported the Amharic portion for ease of use at

melkam sira

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