Debian is about to support Amharic

tegegne tefera tefera.tegegne at
Fri Dec 21 09:04:36 GMT 2007

Amharic is going to be supported in debian in a short time. The plan was to
finish the translation before the Ethiopian millennium but lack of time and
resources has forced for the delay. The implication is most debian derived
distributions such as ubuntu, skolelinux, linspire, xandros...etc will have
support for amharic.. I hope this will inspire people to engage themselves
in translating tools and programs that go with distribution. By the way this
will be the second native language to be supported in Africa.

good luck

This is the announcement at debian i18n

"...just completed "sublevel1" of D-I translations for
Amharic. "sublevel1" is made of packages listed in
packages/po/packages_list_sublevel1, ie all packages used on defaults
installs on i386/amd64/powerpc

Merging his work with the general D-I file leads to "1478 translated
messages, 21 fuzzy translations, 183 untranslated messages", most of
the untranslated messages being obscure messages from rarely used

I therefore intend to check his translation wrt the spellchecker, have
him (or me) correct the mistakes if there are some, then activate
Amharic in localechooser and remove it from packages/po/PROSPECTIVE.

For people who might wonder: Amharic is the national lanuage of
Ethiopia and would then become our second "native" language from Africa
to be supported (after Wolof, from Senegal)..."

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