<br><br><b><i></i></b><blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><tumbil@gmail.com><tony.mzungu@gmail.com><waigz07@hotmail.com><tony.mzungu@gmail.com><waigz07@hotmail.com><waigz07@hotmail.com><ubuntu-ke@lists.ubuntu.com><BLU124-W29E313266ACA02E61006F0AA100@phx.gbl><br><br>Message: 3<br>Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 09:07:43 +0000<br>From: David Hein <david.hein@metoffice.gov.uk><br>Subject: help in Nairobi<br>To: ubuntu-ke@lists.ubuntu.com<br>Cc: Geoffrey sabiiti <geosabvb@yahoo.co.uk><br>Message-ID:<br> <1204621663.6590.85.camel@eld435.desktop.frd.metoffice.com><br>Content-Type: text/plain<br><br><br>Dear Ubuntu users in Kenya,<br><br>I am writing from the UK on behalf of a colleague, Geoffrey Sabiiti, who<br>is at the University of Nairobi.<br><br>Geoffrey is attempting to run our regional climate model on a Linux<br>based PC as part of his studies but is having trouble getting Linux<br>installed and the
model up and running.<br><br>Our regional model is called PRECIS. You can see more information at<br>our website: http://precis.metoffice.com<br><br>The model is designed to run on a Linux based PC only as part of its<br>commitment to being low infrastructure to allow for users in all parts<br>of the world to carry our climate model runs. <br><br>Is there anyone on this list who is in Nairobi, or, even better,<br>at the University of Nairobi, who would be willing to meet with Geoffrey<br>at the University's Meteorology department for help installing Ubuntu on<br>three PCs and then help installing the PRECIS model via a simple shell<br>script?<br><br>If so, please contact myself or contact Geoffrey directly - he is copied<br>on this message. Thank you so much for any help and advice you can<br>offer.<br><br>With gratitude,<br><br>David Hein<br><br><br>-- <br>David Hein Regional Modelling (PRECIS technical coordinator)<br>Met Office Hadley Centre A2.49
<br>Fitzroy Rd Exeter, Devon EX1 3PB UK<br>david.hein@metoffice.gov.uk Tel: +44(0)1392 884089 (fax: 885681)<br><br><br><br>------------------------------<br>Hi!<br>Am in Nairobi and can get to UON.Tell me whichever day is fine to assist Geoffrey with ubuntu installation.Contact me on mrallano@yahoo.com for other details.<br></geosabvb@yahoo.co.uk></david.hein@metoffice.gov.uk></BLU124-W29E313266ACA02E61006F0AA100@phx.gbl></ubuntu-ke@lists.ubuntu.com></waigz07@hotmail.com></waigz07@hotmail.com></tony.mzungu@gmail.com></waigz07@hotmail.com></tony.mzungu@gmail.com></tumbil@gmail.com></blockquote><br><p> 
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