Hi all,<br>I'm pleased to announce to you that the Ubuntu Kenyan Team will be a particpant in the oncoming Software Freedom Day to be held at the KICC on 15th September. I have already registered with the sponsors ( Canonical, Google, among others) and they will send us some resources that will be usefull in the event.<br>As a reminder, we will be expected to wear T-shirts with Ubuntu Logo as well as taking a team photo, so I'm requesting every member who will be interested to atleast meet the cost of a T-shirt, if you are unable to do so please tell me on the last day of this month.<br>There are many things to discuss about this and also let me remind you that we should have a face to face meeting before the event.,<br>Any thoughts or suggestions are welcomed.<br>PS. Expect an online meeting soon!<br>Cheers.<br>Ronald<br><p> 
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