Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Billy Kagz kagaib at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 08:02:28 UTC 2018

Thanks..cant wait to upgrade..

On 3 January 2018 at 07:34, Antony Kipkemoi Kipingor <kipingor at gmail.com>

> This email is from a ubuntu-ke subscriber to other subscribers inluding
> you:)
> Hello All,
> Happy new year, its that time again when ubuntu releases another LTS. If
> you have been up to date with whats going on with ubuntu, you will know
> that they dropped the UNITY Desktop and are back to gnome. From personal
> experience, its fasted and wit gnome extensions, you can add some fun tools
> to the desktop.
> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is Called ‘Bionic Beaver’. The stable release candidate is
> scheduled for – April 19th 2018 with the official release date April 26th
> 2018.
> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will be the next gold-standard Ubuntu release when it
> arrives in April 2018 — and it seems it could have a shiny new theme to
> boot.
> Ubuntu developers are hoping to run an Ubuntu theme contest (or more
> accurately let the community run one with some oversight and guidance).
> The aim is to give Ubuntu a modern look, one it can confidently wear into
> the next decade.
> Hopefully I can get more details on it for those interested.
> Ubuntu also wants to know which apps YOU think it should include by default
> in its next LTS release, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
> “With the switch from Unity to GNOME, we’re also reviewing some of the
> desktop applications we package and ship in Ubuntu. We’re looking to
> crowd-source input on your favourite Linux applications across a broad set
> of classic desktop functionality,”* says Canonical’s Dustin Kirkland.*
> And chances are most of you reading this will have an opinion or two to
> give!
> Which apps should Ubuntu include by default?
> Are you keen for Chromium to become the stock web browser? Interested in
> having an IDE or IRC client included by default? Of the opinion that a
> different office suite ought to be offered?
> --
> Kind regards,
> *Antony Kipingor*
> +254720321222
> We are victorious despite our epic struggle with sin
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