Orange 3G+ modem

David davehat at
Fri Apr 1 09:52:19 UTC 2011

Hi Alex,

Nice to hear from you, but I am confused by your email. On a first
read through, I looks like you're suggesting we move this discussion
somewhere else. On about the fifth or sixth read through, I think
maybe you missed the word "not" out of your first sentence?

Taking that version of what you're saying, fair enough - I did, at
least pre-warn any readers!

Whereas I was certainly off topic regarding the technical Ubuntu
related issue, I'm fairy sure I was on topic regarding the "not being
able to monitor 3G usage" issue. Maybe it would be good to de-rant and
expand my previous email:

I think it is impossible to accurately monitor Orange 3G usage unless
you run a PC with MS Vista or XP and use the software bundled with
your modem (if it's a ZTE AC2726 that is).

I cannot use my portable Ubuntu install on the Dell laptops I
currently have access to - another topic for discussion on this list,
perhaps - but I intend to sort this out soon, at which point I too
would be interested in logging 3G usage. If any one knows of a piece
of software that can accurately monitor and log the 3G modem usage, I
would be very interested to know about it.

I am also genuinely interested in the opinions of other Ubuntu users
in Kenya (so, those on this list) as to what other PAYG mobile data
solutions there are in country. If you feel this isn't the right
audience for such a question, please let me know a better one and I'll
be sure to ask there :)



On 1 April 2011 10:31, Alex Gakuru <gakuru at> wrote:
> David, Kinuthia,
> Welcome this conversation but may I suggest telecommunications services "rants" be posted to ke-users list? We have service providers, regulator, government, civil society,  representatives, SMEs and many consumers. Complaints are acted upon to resolution! Long enlisted Kinuthia may attest to it.
> regards,
> Alex
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 10:23 AM, David <davehat at> wrote:
>> Hi Kinuthia,
>> This started off short, but turned into a rant about Orange. Apologies in advance :)
>> I'm currently ubuntuless, so can't help directly with the "carrier not found" issue you're having. However, I can sympathise about your struggle to find out how much bandwidth you've used...
>> After a four month honeymoon period with Oranges 3G product, as of March I have had a total nightmare regarding data bundles and usage. Unfortunately, the issue is across both their fixed bundles and their "unlimited" bundles.
>> On 14th March, I purchased a 2GB bundle. 9 days later, it expired and I was surprised (I'm a heavy user, but not THAT heavy, I expected it to last 14-15 days). I contacted customer care and was told that I'd used it all, so I went to the portal page, copied all the data under "Session history" and the page suggested I'd used 200mb. I was not sure that this was correct, nor was I sure I had used 2GB, so I asked Orange to check whether there was either:
>> A. Something wrong with the data on that page; or
>> B. Something wrong with the way they are monitoring my account; or
>> C. Both
>> Silly me!
>> I spoke to about 3 different agents at the call centre and finally found someone willing to listen to my issue (I think his name was Kingston). He raised an issue/ticket for my problem and advised me to purchase a one week unlimited bundle to cover the time it would take them to resolve the issue. His reasoning was, quite rightly I thought at the time, that if there was a problem monitoring the bandwidth/data usage, then an unlimited package shouldn't suffer the same problem as it has no limit...
>> ... unfortunately, 4 days into my 7 days unlimited, I was cut off again! I called again, was passed around the call centre agents, put on hold indefinitely, cut off at least twice, but finally made it back to the helpful Kingston again and he expressed amazement, added the new issue to the ticket and escalated again.
>> It's now been 9 days since I logged the first problem and 3 days since I was promised a same day call back because of the new problem. I am not able to use Orange's service (I still don;t know if there's an issue), so am routing all data via my Safaricom mobile. I had been singing the Orange 3G service's praises for months, but now I don't know what to do. I remember the bad old days of Telkom (I got back to Kenya in November last year after 3 years away) and had managed to convince myself they had changed.
>> Looks like I was wrong!
>> Coming back to your issue about being unable to monitor your usage, I can only say I think it is impossible unless you use Windows XP and install the Orange branded modem software that comes with the modem. I use Win 7 and the software does not work for it. As you can hopefully see from my travails, their on-line portal seems to be defective and the company themselves seem to have to revert to technical staff to get the answer. Not that the technical staff then appear willing to let anyone else know the results!
>> At this point, I'd like to ask the wider audience here:
>> What other options mobile data options are there nowadays? I'm not here long enough to sign a long term contract for a service and I don't want to rely on using Safaricom as it is expensive and the data contention can be a serious issues at certain times of day (it didn't seem to be such an issue with Orange)
>> Are Yu or Airtel any good in Kisumu? Is there anything else shinier/newer/faster?
>> Any tips appreciated :)
>> David
>> On 1 April 2011 00:48, Kinuthia Muchane <muchanek at> wrote:
>>> This email is from a ubuntu-ke subscriber to other subscribers inluding you:)
>>> Habari,
>>> @Alex you are so abrupt and to the point have you ever read Ludlum's  "Matarese Circle?"
>>> Yes, I do have a problem. Not with the configuration on Ubuntu, not one bit.
>>> I am using weaver dial aka wvdial. By the way, is there another dialer on Linux?
>>> Wvdial is always telling me my modem is down,  but when I switch over to Xp it
>>> connects immediately, but of course not at the advertised speeds!!
>>> But sometimes I get connected on Linux.
>>>  Is there a way to overcome the "Carrier not found",  message.
>>> I call customer care(the  millionth time?) and they,shame on them, ask me for a landmark from where I am calling from, after a wading though swamp full of crocodiles euphemistically(I learnt the word jana, I have to use it!) known as CC agents!  Hmmmm...
>>> Surprise, surprise I bought a 1GB bundle the other day, but 8 days later I do not know the chunk of that bundle
>>>  I have consumed because their 131 sms number never responds, at least for my modem. But when I send an SMS to any other
>>> charged number,, *I could swear here!* They charge me and promptly send an updated message on my credit!
>>> Which, by the way, are two separate accounts.
>>> Kinuthia...
>>> --
>>> Ubuntu-ke mailing list
>>> Ubuntu-ke at

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