Please help

Kagwe Gichohi kagwegichohi at
Wed Dec 17 06:37:46 GMT 2008

Thanks everyone who's helped me install ubuntu 7.10. Its now working on the machine. I am now trying to install PHP, MySql and Apache. I got out the command line and typed out the following:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server 
sudo apt-get install php4
sudo apt-get install apache2

and the result for all of them was:

reading package lists....done
building dependency tree
reading state information....done
E: couldn't find package mysql_server (php4, apache)

Is it that the CD I installed with doesn't come with these packages? I had the impression that it did.


----- Original Message ----
From: Kagwe Gichohi <kagwegichohi at>
To: muchanek at
Cc: ubuntu-ke at
Sent: Wednesday, 17 December, 2008 8:22:04
Subject: Re: Please help

This email is from a ubuntu-ke subscriber to other subscribers inluding you:)
Thanks for the link to the forums, I read that and it helped. When I ran Ubuntu on live CD there was a link to install to the machine that I had not seen before (yes, I admit I am a complete novice when it comes to Linux) I've been on windows all my life. It's been a love hate relationship. I survived XP but vista's the last nail on the coffin of that relationship. As I type this (on a separate machine) Ubuntu's installing on the new one. Hope everything goes well

I would have liked to install Ubuntu 8 but I do not have a CD for that. 

----- Original Message ----
From: Kinuthia Muchane <muchanek at>
To: Kagwe Gichohi <kagwegichohi at>
Cc: ubuntu-ke at
Sent: Tuesday, 16 December, 2008 21:09:49
Subject: Please help

Pole sana to hear that you are stuck. Its seems Gutsy does not have a
driver for your graphics card. Try typing ctrl-alt-f2 and see whether
you can get to the real terminal. From where it is possible to install
the driver. This link might help
Is their any reason for not using Hardy?

On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 14:08 +0000, Kagwe Gichohi wrote:
> This email is from a ubuntu-ke subscriber to other subscribers inluding you:)
> Thanks everyone who's trying to help.
> Here are the details:
> The CDs I have were shipped to me from Ubuntu earlier in the year. It says on the sleeve: "Ubuntu 7.10 for your PC"
> The other one says "Ubuntu 7.10 for your 64-bit PC". I am using the one that's not 64 bit.
> Now when I slot it into the drive and reboot, I get options the first of which is to install Ubuntu. The other choices such as checking the integrity of the CD, loading Ubuntu from the CD just to see how it looks are working fine. When I select the Install option, this is what I get:
> *starting deferred execution scheduler atd                              [ok]
> *starting perioding command scheduler crond                         [ok]
> *cheking battery state...                                                       [ok]
> *Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)                               [ok]
> And then the curser just blinks right there for ever.
> The machine is Compaq cq60 with Vista home basic
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Andrew Mathenge <mathenge at>
> To: Kagwe Gichohi <kagwegichohi at>
> Cc: ubuntu-ke at
> Sent: Monday, 15 December, 2008 21:55:01
> Subject: Re: Please help
> Is this the "busybox - initramfs" prompt? Do you see those words
> anywhere when you're dropped to the command line?
> I've seen this before. Normally when your CD drive cannot be detected
> so the Ubuntu Live CD cannot boot. What you normally have to do in
> this situation is load the CD driver manually.
> At the prompt, type the following:
> modprobe ide_core
> modprobe ide_generic
> modprobe ide_disk
> modprobe ide_cd
> exit
> After typing "exit" the system should boot and you can continue to the live CD.
> Andrew.
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 12:54 AM, Kagwe Gichohi
> <kagwegichohi at> wrote:
> > This email is from a ubuntu-ke subscriber to other subscribers inluding you:)
> > Hallo,
> >
> > Merry Christmas everyone.
> >
> > Kindly assist me on this one. I bought a new machine with vista home and I have every intention of using Ubuntu on it. i would like to keep the windows though and have managed to shrink the volume to create an unpartitioned space. When I slot in my ubuntu CD that was mailed to me (version 7.10) and restarted the machine, all I get is a command line. I havent the foggiest idea what to do with it. Info on the net seems to suggest that the live CDs come with an installer but I'm not sure how to get it to fire.
> >
> > I have almost no experience with linux. I've only used it from time to time
> >
> > Kagwe
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ubuntu-ke mailing list
> > Ubuntu-ke at
> >
> >


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