FWD: RE: swahili translation

David Scannell davehat at gmail.com
Mon May 21 11:33:02 BST 2007



Great, glad you and the guys are raring to go. What do you plan to do then,
given the need to be able to check translations in and out of rosetta? Are
the other guys able to access it too? Are they on this list?


If you could give ubuntu-uk an idea of your work plan, we can then get back
to the Kilinux group and if they are interested. As I mentioned before,
working together should help to alleviate the risk of replication and speed
up the translation process. 


This conversation should really be on the list, so I've cc'd it..






From: ronald odero [mailto:ronaldodero at yahoo.com] 
Sent: 21 May 2007 11:17
To: David Scannell
Subject: RE: swahili translation


Well then, let's roll our sleeves coz the group of translators I told you
about have tested Ubuntu (some installed while others use live CD) and say
they are cormfortable with translation. On my part ( they also think so) is
that we should only borrow the basic words and at the same time not make it
a very academic swahili.

About my status, my left arm is still "useless" and atleast I can move
arround with a crutch as my leg is partially ok. The good thing about it is
the previledges I'm receiving, I don't have to queue whenver I go:)



David Scannell <davehat at gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Ronald,


No one apart from Ken got back to me, I think we were waiting for you. I
haven't replyed to the Kilinux guys yet - we should talk about it first.


Hope you're recovering well!




From: ronald odero [mailto:ronaldodero at yahoo.com] 
Sent: 21 May 2007 05:46
To: davehat at gmail.com
Subject: swahili translation



I was just wondering how far you have gone with the kilinux guys ( I just
checked the mail you sent to Tony, zsh,Ken and I). Has anyone given you his




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