Recent Meeting

Miano Njoka mianonjoka at
Tue Apr 24 18:46:56 BST 2007

Hi guys,

My apologies for not attending the last IRC meeting. I had a family
function I had to attend. 

A freedom toaster is a great idea, if (when) we are successful in
building one, it will be the first one outside South Africa and
Namibia. :) Another option we can look at is buying a CD duplicator.
The CD duplicators can make 5, 7, or 11 CDs at a time and don't need a
PC so they maybe a more cost effective option. I'll find out how much a
CD duplicator costs. From the bill of materials of a freedom toaster, I
estimate one will cost at least ksh 80,000.

I'll be on a four month vacation from school starting May 20th, I'll
work on the Swahili translation and maybe also help in building the

have a nice week everyone.

miano (zsh)

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