about myself

ronald odero ronaldodero at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 21 07:29:47 GMT 2006

Hello everyone,
  Most of you have only heard my name bit still aren't exactly sure of my background with Open Source. I can consider myself a part time student and a full time Linux (Ubuntu) hobbyst. Prior to the current course I was doing Computer science which I quit when I discovered Linux. Reason being that I had discovered something that allowed me to reflect my own train of thought and to go as deep as I can.
  As much as I have some regrates about quiting (like graduating with degree this year and probably having a job), the internal joy that Linux has brought me besides a great learning curve and the passion is what exactly motivates me to keep going.
  For the time being, I enjoy helping new Linux users migrate from windows and also trouble shooting.
  My message for those who may be considering themselves as limited in Linux, well, it's all about the spirit of adventure/fun/dicovery and passion for what you are doing besides taking some risks.
  Ronald Odero.

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