[JoLUG-General] A problem in accessing some sites using UBUNTU

Loai Farajallah loai.farajallah at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 09:57:57 GMT 2010

"not allowing you to access"  means that when I type the url in the browser
I get a white page with"Network error" and "time out error".

The strange thing that some times after some hours (without doing anything
to the system) these sites become available!!!

more details about the problem

2010/1/7 Waleed Tuffaha <tuffaha at gmail.com>

> What do you mean by "not allowing you to access" ? does it resolve the link
> ?
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Loai Farajallah <
> loai.farajallah at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Salam,
>> I have a terrible problem with my ubuntu 9.04 that not allowing me to
>> access certain websites like www.ixwebhosting.com and others.
>> I am connecting to the internet using Umniah UMAX, I tried to solve this
>> problem by several restarts for the connection, the modem and even the
>> machine but in vain!
>> Then *suddenly* these sites become accessible, but next day the problem
>> is there again.
>> I am sure there is no problem in the websites since I can access them
>> using google translate when they are not available to me directly.
>> I have known that many ubuntu users faced the problem and I tried to
>> follow their advices to solve it, I even reinstalled ubuntu again!
>> http://dbaspot.com/forums/unix-os-discussions/156427-re-only-some-websites-will-open-ubuntu.html
>> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1B6_____enJO348JO348&q=ubuntu+can+not+open+certain+sites&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
>> This problem is still there, any clue about the solution?
>> --
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> --
> Waleed Tuffaha.
> --
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