[ubuntu-it] Aggiornamento a Jammy, 5 minuti di ritardo al boot...

Marco Gaiarin gaio a lilliput.linux.it
Gio 22 Set 2022 21:16:16 UTC

Mandi! Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto
  In chel di` si favelave...

> C'è qualcosa di strano nel tuo file /etc/default/networking?

Non mi sembra...

 gaio a hermione:~$ cat /etc/default/networking 
 # Configuration for networking init script being run during
 # the boot sequence
 # Set to 'no' to skip interfaces configuration on boot
 # Don't configure these interfaces. Shell wildcards supported/
 # Set to 'yes' to enable additional verbosity
 # Method to wait for the network to become online,
 # for services that depend on a working network:
 # - ifup: wait for ifup to have configured an interface.
 # - route: wait for a route to a given address to appear.
 # - ping/ping6: wait for a host to respond to ping packets.
 # - none: don't wait.
 # Which interface to wait for.
 # If none given, wait for all auto interfaces, or if there are none,
 # wait for at least one hotplug interface.
 # Which address to wait for for route, ping and ping6 methods.
 # If none is given for route, it waits for a default gateway.
 # Timeout in seconds for waiting for the network to come online.

e comunque non ho /etc/default/networking.dpkg-* o
/etc/default/networking.ucf-*, quindi non l'ho modificato...

> Di per sé il service è molto easy:
> [Service]
> Type=oneshot
> EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/networking
> ExecStart=/sbin/ifup -a --read-environment
> ExecStop=/sbin/ifdown -a --read-environment --exclude=lo
> RemainAfterExit=true
> TimeoutStartSec=5min

Se provo a manella:

 gaio a hermione:~$ sudo /sbin/ifdown -a --read-environment --exclude=lo
 [sudo] password di gaio: 
 gaio a hermione:~$ sudo /sbin/ifup -a --read-environment
 /etc/network/if-up.d/resolved: 12: mystatedir: not found

ma comunque ci mette un tempo ragionevole.

  But somebody's gonnahave to answer, the time is coming soon
  when the blind remove their blinders
  and the speechless speak the truth			(T. Chapman)

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