[ubuntu-it] installazione software Lx-Viewer
lccflc a email.it
Mer 3 Nov 2010 13:50:47 GMT
Il 03/11/2010 14:29, Luca Cappelletti ha scritto:
> Ciao,
> mi risulta che dovresti scaricarti i sorgenti delle librerie da
> opendwg.org <http://opendwg.org> e per farlo devi firmare una sorta di
> NDA liberatoria o cose simili dove dici che non utilizzerai il
> software per scopi commerciali & co.
> qui:
> http://www.opendwg.org/oda-software-libraries/
> qualche altra informazione qui:
> http://lx-viewer.sourceforge.net/faq.php#deps
> e nel file readme che cita:
> "You will need to become a member of OpenDWG and this membership may
> take several days to process.
> You may also be asked to sign and fax back a license agreement. Many
> may consider this
> a pain, but these libraries are worth thousands of dollars and a
> filling out a little paperwork
> and agreeing to play by the rules seems a very reasonable exchange for
> being able to use the libraries
> for no cost. The "no cost" phrase assumes that you are not using their
> libraries for commercial purposes.
> If you are using them for commercial purposes then you will need an
> appropriate license from
> OpenDWG. My code is under a modified GPL license so you may use my
> stuff for any purpose you desire, but
> OpenDWG controls their licenses and software. "
> se invece hai già le librerie allora ne riparliamo.
> ciao,
> Luca
Ok, infatti stavo cimentandomi con le traduzioni ma tu mi hai
semplificato il compito,
Provvedo e faccio sapere.
Noooooo, Paolo ha ragione... torno a Surrient pur'io
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