[ubuntu-it] grub2 error 22
Vincenzo Tibullo
enzotib a gmail.com
Ven 5 Mar 2010 10:20:41 GMT
2010/3/5 Piviul <piviul a gmail.com>:
> Roby Pozzato scrisse in data 05/03/2010 10:29:
>> [...]
>> root a ubuntu:/# grub-install /dev/sda
> Se non ti compare il menų di grub vuole dire che non trova stage1...
> quindi il problema potrebbe essere questo:
Sei rimasto un po' indietro, con grub 2 non esistono pių i files stage*
> Dal manuale di grub:
>> Another example is when you have a separate boot partition which is
>> mounted at /boot. Since GRUB is a boot loader, it doesn't know
>> anything about mountpoints at all. Thus, you need to run grub-install
>> like this:
>> # grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda
> Ciao
> Piviul
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