[ubuntu-it] file vnt
f.petrosino a cira.it
f.petrosino a cira.it
Ven 10 Dic 2010 09:36:17 GMT
Scrive luciopineda <lucio.pineda a gmail.com>:
> Sapete dove trovare un programma per leggere questi file cioč .vnt
> Sono file che invio dallo smartphone al pc con il bluetooth
Santo Google č tuo amico:
Other applications associated with file type VNT:
Sony Ericsson (Mobile Phone Note File) by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
The notes are plaintext and should appear something like this...
BODY;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:line one of text=0Aline two of text=0Aline three
of text=0Aline four of text
END:VNOTE This association is classified as Text. The identifying characters
used for this association are - Hex: 42 45 47 49 4E 3A 56 4E 4F 54 45 0D 0A 56
45 52 53 49 4F 4E 3A , ASCII: BEGIN:VNOTE VERSION:
li apri con un editor di testo
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