[ubuntu-it] Shiretoko?

Andrea Chittaro andrea.kit a gmail.com
Sab 10 Ott 2009 17:29:24 BST

Grazie... c'ero già su questi punti.

ma là dice

Shiretoko Alpha 1 is an early developer milestone for the next version of
Firefox that is being built on top of Mozilla's Gecko 1.9.1 layout engine,
Shiretoko Alpha 1 is being made available for *testing purposes only*, and
is intended for web application developers and our testing community.
Current users of Mozilla Firefox should *not* use Shiretoko Alpha 1.

Mentre io l'ho scaricato dai repository ufficiali di ubuntu con sotto il
nome di firefox-3.5 e non come versione alpha di Firefox

From: "s a mba" <samba a autistici.org>

1. http://www.google.it/search?q=shiretoko
> 2. http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/3.1a1/releasenotes/
> --
> s a mba
Andrea Chittaro
weblog: http://labottegadikit.net/
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/labottegadikitphoto/
skype: andrea.kit
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