[ubuntu-it] USB startup disk utility
webstar10 a katamail.com
Lun 19 Gen 2009 21:23:21 GMT
> >
> Cosa intendi per "percorso adottatto"? Io uso usb-creator ver. 0.1.10 di
> ubuntu 8.10.
Scusa Piviul, ti pongo un quesito: Ho provato ad usare anche io
usb-creator (sia dal menu' Sistema-> Amministrazione che da terminale.
Inserito il cd della 8.10 e una usb da 1Gb (sdc1) la cosa fallisce. Ti
appendo il log, come si fa a sapere quale e' l'errore 256?
-- Starting up at 22:14:13 --
[22:14:13] got a disc: Ubuntu 8.10 i386
[22:14:13] new device:
{'capacity': dbus.UInt64(998768128L), 'uuid': 'EF43-C46E', 'label': '',
'free': 996671488L, 'fstype': 'vfat', 'device': '/dev/sdc1',
'mountpoint': '/media/disk', 'udi':
[22:14:13] adding: /dev/sdc1
[22:14:13] updating dest_status as part of update_row_state
[22:14:26] Installing...
[22:14:26] Source
CD: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_label_Ubuntu_8_10_i386
[22:14:26] Destination disk: /dev/sdc1
[22:14:26] Persistence size: 0 MB
[22:14:26] Marking partition 1 as active.
[22:14:26] installing the bootloader to /dev/sdc1.
[22:14:27] ['/usr/share/usb-creator/install.py', '-s',
u'/media/cdrom1/.', '-t', '/media/disk', '-p', '0']
[22:14:27] Install command exited with code: 256
[22:14:27] Forcing shutdown of the install process.
[22:14:27] Install failed.
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