[ubuntu-it] virtualbox e shared folder
boozta a libero.it
Mer 31 Gen 2007 16:39:57 GMT
i've tried to share a folder between ubuntu 6.10 (host) and win xp (guest):
daniele a daniele:~$ VBoxManage sharedfolder add "winxp" -name "shared"
-hostpath "/home/daniele/Desktop"
VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 1.3.2
(C) 2005-2007 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
All rights reserved.
daniele a daniele:~$ VBoxManage list vms
VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 1.3.2
(C) 2005-2007 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
All rights reserved.
Name: winxp
Guest OS: Windows XP
UUID: 9abc28bb-c351-4aa6-b0a4-d90106918630
Config file: /home/daniele/.VirtualBox/Machines/winxp/winxp.xml
Memory size: 192MB
VRAM size: 8MB
Boot menu mode: message and menu
ACPI: on
Hardw. virt.ext: off
State: powered off
Floppy: Host drive /dev/fd0
Primary master: /home/daniele/.VirtualBox/VDI/winxp.vdi (UUID:
DVD: Host drive /dev/cdrom
NIC 1: MAC <http://www.tomshw.it/forum/showthread.php?t=51125#>:
08002750ADF9, Attachment: NAT, Trace: off (file: <NULL>)
NIC 2: disabled
NIC 3: disabled
NIC 4: disabled
Audio: enabled (Driver: OSS)
VRDP: disabled
USB: enabled
USB Device Filters:
Index: 0
Active: yes
Name: hp deskjet 3420
VendorId: 03F0
ProductId: 7104
Revision: <NULL>
Manufacturer: <NULL>
Product: <NULL>
Serial Number: <NULL>
Index: 1
Active: yes
Name: lettore mp3
VendorId: 066F
ProductId: 8004
Revision: <NULL>
Manufacturer: <NULL>
Product: <NULL>
Serial Number: <NULL>
Index: 2
Active: yes
Name: gamepad
VendorId: 1267
ProductId: A001
Revision: <NULL>
Manufacturer: <NULL>
Product: <NULL>
Serial Number: <NULL>
Shared folders:
Name: 'shared', Host path: '/home/daniele/Desktop' (machine mapping)
after in winxp guest run> net use x: \\vboxsvr\shared
but in xp i can't find shared folder.what can i do?where'sth folder?
ps rispondete pure in italiano!
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