[ubuntu-it] amule
errecarp a fastwebnet.it
Gio 28 Set 2006 06:31:22 BST
ciao.utilizzo un computer athlon amd 64 bit, ed ubuntiu 6.06
non riesco ad installare amule: ogni qualvolta tento l'installazione mi
Preparing: aMule AdunanzA
# Checking for required C library versions ... failed
# Your copy of glibc, a core system library, is too old for this package.
# You need at least the following symbols in glibc: GLIBC_2.0.
# This error normally means that whoever built the package did not build
it correctly.
# Please report the contents of this message to the provider of this
package, and
# ask them to rebuild it using apbuild.
# Upgrading glibc is highly dangerous, so we recommend in this situation
that you
# compile the app you want to install from the sources if possible. Sorry :(
FAIL: Unable to prepare package aMule AdunanzA.
Press ENTER to exit.
qualcuno ha esperienza in merito?
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