[ubuntu-it] freepops e kubuntu
elvisee at alice.it
Wed Jul 6 16:28:30 CDT 2005
dall'archivio leggo che frank ha risolto l'installazione di freepops
convertendo con alien in pacchetto .deb.
Io trovo questo problema che non deve essere legato ad alien o freepops,
ma probabilmente a qualche impostazione.
root a tosh:/mnt/d2/_sw/Internet/FreePOPs # alien freepops-0.0.30-1.i386.rpm
mkdir: cannot create directory `freepops-0.0.30': File exists
chown: changing ownership of `freepops-0.0.30//etc/freepops/config.lua':
Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of `freepops-0.0.30//etc/init.d/freepops':
chown: changing ownership of
`freepops-0.0.30//usr/share/freepops/lua_unofficial': Operation not
chown: changing ownership of
`freepops-0.0.30//usr/share/man/man1/freepopsd.1.gz': Operation not
mkdir: cannot create directory `freepops-0.0.30/debian': File exists
Use of uninitialized value in die at
/usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package/Deb.pm line 488, <GETPERMS> line 48.
Package build failed. Here's the log:
find: freepops-0.0.30: No such file or directory
root a tosh:/mnt/d2/_sw/Internet/FreePOPs #
Qualcuno sa come risolvere?
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