Fwd: installare software con ubuntu

Alessio alessio.fattorini a gmail.com
Mar 14 Dic 2004 12:26:19 CST

alessio a Ubuntu:~ $ apt-cache search videolan
gnome-vlc - GNOME frontend for VLC
gvlc - GTK+ frontend for VLC
kvlc - KDE frontend for VLC
libvlc0-dev - development files for VLC
mozilla-plugin-vlc - multimedia plugin for Mozilla based on VLC
qvlc - Qt frontend for VLC
vlc - multimedia player for all audio and video formats
vlc-plugin-alsa - ALSA audio output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-arts - aRts audio output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-esd - Esound audio output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-ggi - GGI video output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-glide - Glide video output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-sdl - SDL video and audio output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-svgalib - SVGAlib video output plugin for VLC
vls - lightweight MPEG and DVD video streaming server
wxvlc - wxWindows frontend for VLC

beh fai:
sudo apt-get install gnome-vlc vlc


On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 19:02:57 +0100, alessandro <asapi a unicit.it> wrote:
> salve a tutti!forse ho osato troppo per un newbie.Ho appena installato
> ubuntu,ma essendo abituato a distribuzioni rpm non so come installare il
> software per quelle debianofile.Ad esempio vorrei provare il programma
> Videolan come devo procedere?
> Ciao a tutti,
> Alessandro
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