I'm not sure how I feel about not tracking bans from other channels - they can be useful, although it is a higher priority to have a stable bot than a comprehensive one, so if that's the reasoning I don't mind.<br>
<br>I don't really care _who_ removed a ban, but I do think it's important that it track whether it was removed, and be able to search by current, removed, or all - could you clarify that point a little?<br><br>The other main thing I'd like to see is some sort of periodic sync with actual status. I have no knowledge of the coding or network things that would be involved, but that said here's the deal: Right now the bantracker claims that I have scores of unremoved bans, except that they have in fact been removed. This is because ubotu was either non-responsive, offline, or not joined to the channel when they are removed. Obviously, we don't want it to try to sync while joining (syncing channels is clearly plenty of strain), but it would be nice if once it a while ubotu could talk to ChanServ and say hey, I have ban suchandsuch in my records - does that match yours?, and if not, correct it. My proposal would for this to take place once every six months, at approximately the same date as the release of the first _Beta_ for the current development version of Ubuntu (thus giving us the cleanest environment around release day).<br>
<br>Seconding Martin's suggesting of a different database. If MySQL is too heavy, perhaps PostgreSQL. No, I don't personally have a great understanding of DB engine architecture - it just seems wise to use a mainstream one for stability.<br>
<br>-- <br>Tony Yarusso<br><a href="http://tonyyarusso.com/">http://tonyyarusso.com/</a>