Fw: Ubuntu IRCC Nominations 2016

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 2 02:20:26 UTC 2016

Using my mistake in opening the poll too early, I would like to
remember all that nominations are still open, until Feb 14th (and yes,
I *will* remember it is the 14th. Of February. 2016. Dammit.)

This is the moment to go ahead and nominate yourself, or somebody else.
If nominating somebody else, please remember this somebody else must
accept the nomination (so, no nomination of, say, Ghandi, will be


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 00:17:28 -0800
From: Melissa Draper <melissa at ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-irc at lists.ubuntu.com, irc-council at lists.ubuntu.com,
community-council at lists.ubuntu.com, ubuntu-news-team at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Ubuntu IRCC Nominations 2016

Hi all,

The current IRC council has 3 members whose 2 year terms are ending.
This means it is now election season.

Details about the IRC Council and its charter may be viewed here
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil. Council members normally serve a
two year term, and may stand for multiple terms.

From the wiki page the election process is as follows:

Elections of new IRC Council members will be held in the following way:

* An open call for nominations should be announced in the IRC Community,
and people can nominate themselves for a seat on the council. Everyone
  is welcome to apply.
* To apply for a seat the candidate creates a Wiki page outlining their
work in the community, and inviting others to provide testimonials.
* When the application deadline has passed, the IRC Council will review
  the applications and provide feedback on the candidates for the
  Community Council to review.
* The Community Council will identify a shortlist for the board and
circulate the list publically for feedback from the community.
* The shortlist identified by the Community Council will be voted upon
  by team members as described at CommunityCouncil/Delegation. Members
  of the Ubuntu IRC Members Team are eligible to vote.
* The Community Council will then finalize the appointment of IRC
  Council members.

As you may have guessed, this is our call for nominations. Please feel
free to nominate yourself, and remember to talk to others who you
intend to nominate first.

All ubuntu members are welcome to apply. If you're not a member but
believe you meet the criteria to be one, then visit
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember and learn how to make it
happen. IRC contributions are highly regarded in the search for IRC
Council members, but are not essential.

To nominate yourself, create a wiki page for yourself and announce it
and your candidacy on the IRC team mailing list. Nominations will be
open through to 14 February, 2016, when a full list of applicants will
be forwarded to the Community Council for checking. If there are more
qualified applicants than positions, a vote will be announced to take
place at the end of February.


ab alio expectes alteri quod feceris
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