IRC Council election in process

Robert Wall robert at
Sun Apr 3 22:32:54 UTC 2016

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Valorie Zimmerman
<valorie.zimmerman at> wrote:
> I believe we should lower the barrier a bit here, and open up
> membership to all of those active and participating in IRC help,
> whether or not they became Ubuntu Members through the IRC Team.

As a member of that group, I agree with Valorie here. Personally, I
think the group should be open to join requests from any IRC Team
member (i.e. people opping one of regardless of Ubuntu
Membership), plus any Ubuntu Member.

Incidentally, this is one of several parts of the IRC Council charter
that are rather odd. I think one of the priorities of the IRC Council
after the current election should be working with the Community
Council to revisit the charter and change sections (like this one)
that do not make sense.

Robert Wall <robert at>

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