Pending requests for OPS access on our channels -- +1/-1 needed

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Thu Nov 19 06:12:36 UTC 2015

I forgot to express my support for:

On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 5:11 PM, C de-Avillez <hggdh2 at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> This has been bothering me quite a lot, for quite some time. We have
> many pending OPS requests for our channels. For whatever reason, we
> cannot seem to get and work on them.
> So. On behalf of the IRCC, I present you the list, as fresh as of
> 2015-10-16T004449 UTC [1].
> The following people have proposed themselves for OPS status for each
> of the channels listed:
> === #kubuntu IRC Operators ===
>  * Unit 193
>  * rww
> **** Team **** #kubuntu-devel IRC Operators
>  * Valorie Zimmerman
> I would like to conduct an informal voting on the ML. Votes can be
> either publicly sent to the ML (and reasoning on why yes or no is very
> welcome), or sent to me. I will tally all such votes, and present the
> results (or my inability to reach a result) to the ML, as well. Votes
> that have been sent directly to me will be collected and shared with
> the rest of the IRCC.
> I do believe that two weeks is a long enough time for this; as such, I
> am declaring a show-down by the wee hours of November 30th, UTC. This
> year, mind you.

They have already been functioning well as ops for a long time.

All the best,


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