#ubuntu banlist

Martin Schulz mschulz45 at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 18 11:34:51 UTC 2014

On 18.11.2014 10:59, Alan Bell wrote:
> there are facilities to have bans automatically lifted after a fixed 
> duration
> http://ubottu.com/ircc/2012/11/03/ban-management-changes/
> but sometimes it is preferred that bans are lifted only after 
> discussing the problematic actions in the #ubuntu-ops channel and 
> getting agreement from the user that there won't be a repetition of 
> the problem. This has always been the way it has been done, but maybe 
> that is open to questioning, we haven't seen bans as being a fixed 
> term temporary "punishment", just a way of keeping disruptive people 
> out of the channels all the time, if they are no longer disruptive 
> then they come back in as soon as they commit to not being disruptive.
> I kind of like the idea of more fixed term bans, perhaps 24 hour bans 
> for people who are temporarily angry/need to sober up and longer bans 
> for people who perhaps need some encouragement to get out and find 
> other places on the internet to play and perhaps not come back. I 
> recognise that there are differences of opinion on this, some really 
> like the ban resolution process by negotiation in -ops.
> Alan.
Hi Alan,

I share your opinion, using ubuntu-ops to release bans, but I'm no 
friend with the
idea of an unexperienced user say annoying #ubuntu, getting also banned 
from other
#ubu~foo channels. Martin, DasEi

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