Banned Words (Was: RFC: #ubuntu op misuse or not?)

Peter Matulis peter.matulis at
Mon May 19 21:22:16 UTC 2014

On 05/19/2014 04:21 PM, C de-Avillez wrote:
> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Joseph Price <pricechild at> wrote:
>> Good Afternoon Carl & thanks for your email.
>> While you raise many good points, as an Ubuntu op with access in a large
>> amount of channels I'm extremely concerned about policies being enforced
>> inconsistently. It's been made pretty clear that the d-word is totally off
>> limits in some people's opinion.
> And I think this is wrong. And -- hoping you will not mind, I will use
> "dictator" instead of "d-word". Otherwise I get confused if you meant
> "dictator", or "despot", or whatever. Samewise, for the sake of
> clarity, I will use full words instead of obfuscated, abbreviated, or
> otherwise politically-corrected ones.
> Some words carry heavy meaning, *even* when used in a different
> context. Swearing, for example (whatever language); but, even then, I
> would not block "FUBAR" from being used. Some other words do not.
> Dictator is one of them, and examples of it being used in an (for me)
> acceptable way have already been given.

I echo this sentiment.  It's the way in which words are used as well as
their context that is important and channel operators need to be able to
deal with that.  There is nothing inherently wrong whatsoever with the
words dictator or blitzkrieg.


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