Privacy issues in Ubuntu's IRC channels and Launchpad

hatearchives at hatearchives at
Thu Sep 26 19:14:54 UTC 2013

I have 3 "solutions" to my problem:
1) Disabling irc logs from indexing.
2) Deleting my content from archived irc logs.
3) Changing nickname in irc logs so it would not map to anything.

Are all these 3 really unrealistic?

On 2013-09-26 21:07, Tony Yarusso wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 7:10 PM,  <hatearchives at> wrote:
>> Back to IRC logs; I would like to request that on server containing 
>> IRC logs
>> archives, robots.txt should be put to block search engines from 
>> indexing
>> these.
> Since the IRC channels provide user support, and other people may have
> the same questions, it is in the community's best interests for those
> logs to be searchable, so more people can find the answers they need.
> We do however currently exclude the offtopic (non-support) channels
> from logging altogether.
>> Additionally, anyone who can prove that he is an owner of his Freenode 
>> IRC
>> account should be able to request *complete removal* of everything he 
>> said
>> on IRC from official Ubuntu logs, including join/leave messages...
> I'm not sure we even have the technical means of doing this if we
> wanted to.  Even if you can prove that you own a particular IRC
> handle, you would have to be able to also prove that you were
> identified to it at the moment of every message you wish to delete, or
> that you had identification enforcement enabled for your nick at the
> time.  Those would require some kind of tie-in with Freenode server
> logs, which we don't have.  Even if we did, someone would have to
> process those requests, and without actual paid staff I doubt that
> would be feasible to handle.
> While I can appreciate the general sentiment, I don't think this is
> something we can reasonably do for the IRC logs.
>  - Tony

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