Fwd: IRC bot integration with Ask Ubuntu

Miia Ranta myrtti+ubuntu at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 12:56:04 UTC 2012

On 17 February 2012 14:48, Matt Darcy <ubuntu.lists at projecthugo.co.uk> wrote:
> On 17/02/2012 12:47, Alan Bell wrote:
>> interesting suggestions from Jorge, not sure we would want that kind of
>> thing in the main #ubuntu channel, but for topic channels like #ubuntu-juju
>> it sounds like it might be an interesting feature.
>> Alan.
> Nice suggestion, but I don't think the idea is sound for #ubuntu.
> Matt

Perhaps the better channel to forward the messages to would be
#ubuntu-meta, which has been for a long time the channel where the
bots pipe messages that have been left unanswered in #ubuntu. This
channel has been a long-forgotten semi-forgotten channel that might be
the best venue for the bot instead of adding up to the noise we
already have in #ubuntu.

Miia "Myrtti" Ranta
GCS/ED/FA/H/P/S/L/O d- s-:+ a31 C++ UL+ P+ L+++ E W+++ N+ o K+ w+(---)
!O M V? PS++ PE>$ Y+ PGP- t+ 5+++ X+ R tv- b+++ DI++++ D-- G e>+++ h-
r++ x?

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