OpenWeek session on "How to help with IRC issues when you're not an operator"

Juha Siltala topyli at
Mon Apr 30 13:50:26 UTC 2012


On Wednesday, 2nd of May, I will be giving a OpenWeek session in
#ubuntu-classroom on "How to help with IRC issues when you're not an
operator". The session will take place at 17:00 UTC. See

I'm planning to include topics such as
- support
- catalyzing
- contacting operators when catalyzing fails
- becaming an operator if you're really really sure you want to

It would be nice if many members of the IRC team would join, to answer
questions I can not, and to correct me when I'm wrong. I would also
appreciate ideas about additional topics, or tips on how to handle the
ones i have.

Thanks all!

Juha Siltala

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