Vote to suspend Eir

Juha Siltala topyli at
Fri Sep 9 14:15:53 UTC 2011

Hi Matt,

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 17:05, Matt Darcy <ubuntu.lists at> wrote:

> this is a public mailing list to discuss topics such as this, and using a
> voting site maybe a better way to get opinions, and getting an idea of who
> wants/doesn't want it is useful to present to the council, if you don't want
> to get mails, unsubscribe from the mailing list, but don't tell me to go
> elsewhere - just ignore them, or put them to junk if you don't want to be on
> the dissussion.

You have expressed your opinion on this matter, and we're aware of it.
Others have chipped in with their opinions as well, and we're grateful
for that. That is, as you correctly note, the purpose of the list.
Another venue to discuss issues is the IRC council meeting (although
we'd greatly appreciate if the discussion there were as concise as
possible - budding ideas are better cultivated in -ops-team and this

Voting is not something we traditionally do however, and if a
spontanious vote does take place somewhere, the result is not likely
to have a terribly big effect on anything.

Juha Siltala

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