New roles in the Ubuntu IRC team

cprofitt cprofitt at
Mon Oct 24 20:06:04 UTC 2011

I think the idea sounds good. Having a person give each area some
directed care would hopefully help.


On Mon, 2011-10-24 at 21:49 +0300, Jussi Schultink wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of the criticisms the IRCC has received recently is the lack of
> interaction with the IRC team in terms of decision making, as well as
> the lack of things getting done. There has been a lack of teamwork to
> get things done, as well as a lack of communication.
> I would like to propose some new roles within the IRC team to help get
> more stuff done that also have the added benefits of communication
> improvement and teamwork.
> I would like to see "champions" for several areas that need taking
> care of within the team. These "champions" would be responsible for
> awareness in the team of their area, as well as ensuring tasks get
> followed up on. (the champion doesn't have to do all the work, just
> ensure that it gets done)
> The champion would also have a lot of input into the overall direction
> of what happens with that area of the IRC team, thus these roles would
> give people an opportunity to have a real impact on the team and its
> direction. There could be more than one champion for each role.
> I would propose the following areas to have champions, but please feel
> free to suggest other areas - especially if you are willing to take up
> the role.
>  *Bots & bot direction (Specifications, idea management, perhaps some
> implementation)
>  *Ban list maintenance/eir care (everybody would be still responsible
> for bans, but this person would be ensuring the ban list does not get
> overfull, ensuring new ops get proper eir training, following up on
> any bugs in eir)
>  *Documentation review (reviewing the wiki and other documentation on
> a regular basis)
>  *Channel list review (Reviewing the channel list of our namespace
> channels for stale and/or inappropriate channels)
>  *Factoid Maintenance and review (reviewing factoids and checking for
> old and outdated factoids on a regular basis, updating factoids).
>  *Policy review (reviewing policies for efficiency, usefulness,
> scale-ability, suggestions of changes to policy)
> Again, I want to stress that the champion doesn't need to do all the
> work, just follow up and ensure it gets done.
> Also, as part of this, I would like to change the IRCC meeting name to
> IRC Team meeting, and have the champions be a part of the meeting when
> appropriate, to bring things that need changing to the attention of
> the IRC team and the IRC council.
> The IRC Council's role in all of this would be to approve changes to
> policy and set out a long term plan for growth and maintenance of the
> IRC team, in consultation with the IRC team and the champions.
> I would like to hear all constructive thoughts on this route, be they
> positive or negative.
> I would like this to be a part of our long term plans to be discussed
> in the UDS, following discussion on the mailing list and hopefully
> also in the next IRCC meeting this Sunday.
> BR
> Jussi

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