[Blueprint ubuntu-irc-team-p-plans] Ubuntu IRC Team P plans

Juha Siltala juha at siltala.net
Tue Nov 1 09:19:57 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Juha Siltala:

Whiteboard set to:
- Improve delegation by reating subteams with self-selected leaders. Possible areas of work:
*Bots & bot direction (Specifications, idea management, perhaps some implementation)
 *Ban list maintenance/eir care (everybody would be still responsible for bans, but this person would be ensuring the ban list does not get overfull, ensuring new ops get proper eir training, following up on any bugs in eir)
 *Documentation review (reviewing the wiki and other documentation on a regular basis)
 *Channel list review (Reviewing the channel list of our namespace channels for stale and/or inappropriate channels)
 *Factoid Maintenance and review (reviewing factoids and checking for old and outdated factoids on a regular basis, updating factoids).
 *Policy review (reviewing policies for efficiency, usefulness, scale-ability, suggestions of changes to policy)

- Discuss and test the possibility of Increasing transparency by
creating non-sensitive IRCC action items and issues in Launchpad instead
of handling them privately.

Ubuntu IRC Team P plans

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