Stepping down from #ubuntu operator status

Bilal Akhtar bilalakhtar at
Tue Jun 7 13:13:28 UTC 2011

Hello all,

Due to many time constraints ever since I got involved in hardcore 
Ubuntu development (mainly in Unity), for the last few months I have 
been unable to actively monitor #ubuntu and fulfill my duties as an 
operator of the #ubuntu IRC channel. Hence I announce my stepping down 
from this position.

I became an operator of the #ubuntu channel on 22nd November 2010 
(announcement at [1]). I was active in my duty initially, but due to 
exams in school and a contract to work for Unity afterwards, I became 
largely inactive in the task. On March 16th, Jussi gave me the news that 
my probationary period had been extended for another 3 months. That's 
going to end soon.

Therefore I find it fit for me to step down from this position. This 
will help in giving me extra time to devote to Unity development, and 
other parts of the Ubuntu developer ecosystem in which I'm involved.

I request the IRC council to remove my IRC account from the #ubuntu , 
#ubuntu-ops and related channels' access lists, and to remove my 
Launchpad account from Launchpad team ~irc-ubuntu-ops .

A big "thank you" to everyone who helped me take up this position back 
in November, and also to everyone who helped me in this job. It was a 
pleasure to work with you all.

Thanks Again,

Bilal Akhtar.

Bilal Akhtar - Ubuntu Developer <bilalakhtar at>
IRC Nick: cdbs

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