Minutes from the IRC Council meeting, Dec 11, 2010

Joseph Price pricechild at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 4 22:54:44 UTC 2011

Hey Juha!

On 12 December 2010 12:00, Juha Siltala <juha at siltala.net> wrote:
> Ubuntu IRC Council not responsible for all core channels
> ACTION: jussi and Pici to draft proposal for inter-council co-operation to
> maintain project channels

Bwahaha! Its like I never left!!

Oh dear I remember arguing about trying to get this exact thing
clarified over and over and over again. It was like hitting my head on
a wall, though not painful. <sarcasm> I'm surprised its still an
issue. I'm surprised sabdfl/jono etc. didn't manage to get everything
fixed in the shakeup when my term ended.</sarcasm>

I haven't read further than your meeting logs but here's hoping you
haven't got another Kody on your hands!


P.s. Then again, I guess apparently I never did understand how IRC works...

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