New Operators

Anthony Hook anthony.hook3 at
Mon Nov 22 23:01:17 UTC 2010

Congrats, all!

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Benjamin Rubin <bnrubin at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am pleased to bring you the results of the current recruitment
> drive. After consultation with our existing ops, we would like to
> appoint the following people:
> For #ubuntu-ops:
> IdleOne
> For #ubuntu
> Bilalahktar
> Jordan_U
> rww
> For #ubuntu-offtopic
> Tm_T
> hypatia
> maco
> rww
> Please join us in #ubuntu-ops as soon as you can.
> We would like to thank all the applicants who applied.
> We would also like to take this opportunity to re-open the application
> period for #ubuntu-ops (which is open only to current operators). We
> received only one application this time around, and we feel that more
> operators are still needed, so please feel free to apply. You can find
> the procedure here:
> (if you had
> forgotten already).
> We look forward to seeing the new ops, and seeing lots of applications
> for the positions in #ubuntu-ops
> Cheers
> Benjamin Rubin on Behalf of the Ubuntu IRC Council
> --
> Ubuntu-irc mailing list
> Ubuntu-irc at

- Anthony Hook

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