Proposal: Ubuntu Operator channel changes

Juha Siltala topyli at
Sun Nov 7 21:51:55 UTC 2010


After the feedback so far, my take is that Jussi's original suggestion
is mostly good with the exception that the ops collaboration channel
should not be logged. A public channel for public issue resolution with
users, a private channel for discussion and negotiation internal to the
team, and a "service" channel for irc-related issues.


User-facing issue resolution and mediation should be documented,
transparent and leave a "paper trail. This channel would be just like
#ubuntu-ops is now, except merrier as ops from all English speaking
channels would join.

Internal disputes will be much easier to handle in a private channel,
where no-one is "saving face", unnecessarily defensive or otherwise
uncomfortable with publicity for asking "dumb" questions from their
peers or arguing with them.

The service channel would be much what the current #ubuntu-irc is like.
I disagree with Matt on the usefulness of the channel. It is useful, and
it's relative calm is not a reason to shut it down. International
support and issue resolution happens here, as well as help.

One new channel would be created, and #ubuntu-ops would change a little.

Juha Siltala <topyli at>

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